©Art by Zoé De Las Cases. Colored by Crystaline.
Many years ago, I met the National Geographic photographer, Sam Abell. He told me the story of how his wife got cancer. They had traveled their whole life but when his wife got sick he felt he had little support due to his lifestyle choices. He told me that his brother who was a school teacher had a better quality of life then he had. I have to remind myself that this was likely a very difficult time for him but I have kept hold of his words and strive to upkeep the relationships I hold dear.
I diligently track holidays and my close friends birthdays. I send Christmas cards and try to be good about calling those I love. But occasionally, I get that niggling fear that it's just not the same as being in the same space with the people that you love.
I love my life. I love this feeling of adventure. The unknown spreading out before me with infinite possibilities. I like the challenge of learning to find grocery stores and restaurants that I will ultimately count as "my" special spots in each country. I will take thousands of pictures and meet people with stories that will broaden the way I see the world. I will seek out new relationships with people I don't know. They will become my family away from home. They will see me through the hard bits of life and the joys that are inevitably in front of me.
I will change. And so will the people I love. And I hope that the time that we've had and the time we continue to make for each other is enough. I am so grateful for the friends and family who have seen me through every stage of my life.
May you all have a wonderful holiday season and know that where ever you may be in life or the world, you are loved.