My very wise mother sent me an email telling me I should take a photo of the beauty around me in the time of disaster. I know these are not the photos that people are clamoring to see in the post earthquake disaster of Haiti.
However, my heart cannot take documenting the sadness and the fear that surround me at the moment. So I have turned my camera toward other things. These things are more mundane, just simple and beautiful. From time to time I need to turn my eyes away from all the sadness around me and remember that beauty still exists. Perhaps, step by step by just having my camera on my person I can begin to show you Haiti in a different way.
I got home today around 5 and none of my fellow houseguest were home. So I sat outside on my front porch for awhile by myself. I feel safe outside. The quiet was nice, except for the occasional helicopter. I found my quiet moment for the day and maybe some tiny piece of my heart was healed just by looking at the sunset.
Meet Lulu, she is the most ferocious four legged beast in our neighborhood. The dogs in our neighborhood have helped all of us more than anyone knows. I often see a crowd sitting out in the yard with the dogs. Its as if Lucy, Lulu, and Mojo know we all need to be comforted. Many of these dogs will be evacuated out in the coming days and none us really know how to tell them goodbye.