Monday, March 29, 2010

3.7.2010-3.13.2010 One Mango Tree in Gulu, Uganda

I spend my second week in Uganda working for a non-profit called One Mango Tree. One Mango Tree uses a fair trade model to provide income generating opportunities for women in impoverished and conflict-ridden areas of the globe. Their first project is now well underway in northern Uganda, a region devastated by more than twenty years of armed conflict. The war has taken the lives of thousands, displaced more than two million, and destroyed the once-vibrant local culture and economy.  The jobs they've created through their partnership with tailors have changed the lives and circumstances for hundreds of people in the region.

I got to spend a whole week with these beautiful women and their children, whom they bring to work with them as there is no childcare. Each day they gather to sew, to take tea, and they are a strong support system for each other. They were eager to share with my that One Mango Tree had changed their lives for the better. Enjoy the photos from the week.

© Crystaline Randazzo Photography - All images are copyright of Crystaline Randazzo and in no way are to be used by Google, Google Advertisers or any third party. These are not your pictures. Steal them and I will sue you.


  1. My God Crystal....what's your next stop? National Geographic? Very professional shots. Do some in Haiti before you leave too!

  2. Wow! The pictures say so much. I was just staring into these women's eyes. Thanks for sharing...I feel a little bit like I got to experience something profound and special too! You are so gifted!

  3. Crystal - it was lovely to meet you last night! Your photos are stunning. Beautiful inspiring work! Especially love the sewing machine "still life" in blues and blacks. And the mom putting the baby down for a nap. Joanna

  4. Crystal, we partnered with OneMangoTree to make a bag for our Catrinka Project 2013 collection. We are looking for great photos of Uganda to use on our website. Would you be open to us using some of the ones above, with credit of course? Please let me know: Thanks!
