Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12.5.2009 Rosa Mina Orphanage Christmas Party Part One

Right after Dom and I returned to Port-au-Prince we had the Christmas party for Rosa Mina. We'd come home with our suitcases full of gifts. I had so much fun wrapping up our 6 christmas angels gifts. We were both surprised about how hard it was to find gifts for kids that met our criteria which included one piece items as small pieces get lost quickly, developmental gifts if possible (soccer balls, jump ropes, etc), no battery operated items, no electric items. You'd think with commercial America, it would be a breeze! I will say we felt very accomplished when we finished our shopping.

We showed up early at Ambassador Merton's house to help set up for the party. Our friend Brittney showed up with all of the toys in the back of her car. Who knew Santa drove an armored vehicle! People from the embassy sponsored every child, so they all received a gift.

As usual in Haiti, the kids were late. We'd all pitched in so they could ride a bus over. But the bus was late so we were all anxiously awaiting their arrival. The best thing for me was that a little girl name Lyesha was there early with her new mom! She was adopted and was to leave with her new mommy the following Wednesday, she was chattering on about going to Argentina and she was all smiles. I thought it was awesome that she got to attend the Christmas party with her orphanage family before she left. Here she is playing with Sonia, one of the regular volunteers.

Finally the kids arrived! And we were all so excited about their arrival! I think they were all alittle overwhelmed by the big ride, and then being at this huge house. But the excitement was in the air!


The kids played on the lawn for a little while with some hula hoops, soccer balls, and the big boys played volley ball. Then Papa Noel showed up. They were so excited! They all ran to him, singing Christmas songs. It was one of those overwhelming moments that I don't think any of the volunteers excpected.


They all lined up for candy canes and to tell all of their Christmas wishes!

Next on the agenda we had lunch, bbq style. I don't think the kids had ever seen hot dogs so big! They all just stared at them at first, then a brave kid would pick it up and go at it! Dom was the grill master!





One of the best ideas was to have activity on the tables for the kids. They loved having crayons, play dough, and whistles. I'm not so sure the orphanage owner was thrilled with the whistles but they were having a grand time!!!!


Below is one of my favorite little girls, Fernandia. She is always very focused on whatever craft project is at hand. She is also one of the quieter girls, I have quite a soft spot for her in my heart. Below she was making patterns in her play dough, she was so focused I don't think she ever knew I was watching her.



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